Saturday, December 11, 2010

Candling/Fertility Update

I finally got around to checking the fertility rates on my eggs.  Based on what I've read, you should wait until day 9 or 10 before checking for egg fertility and whether there is any development happening.  I went a day early - day 8 of incubation - and checked tonight.

The process for checking fertility is called Candling.  Basically, you shine a bright light under the egg in a darkened room to see if it is developing.  Here's another link on what the process looks like.

Here's the breakdown of how the eggs are doing:

Black Austrlorps:  12 eggs/12 fertile
Rhode Island Reds: 12 eggs/11 fertile, however, one of them stopped developing along the way, so I pulled it out of the incubator
Jersey Giants:  11 eggs/11 fertile.  Again, one of them stopped developing so it got pulled.  There should have been 12, but this is the man down
Mixed group:  10 eggs/8 fertile.  This was a bad group.  Of the 8 fertile ones, 4 had stopped developing already.  Oh well.  I have plenty of others.

So grand total of eggs still incubating away:  37

I'll check them again on day 18 (December 21) before removing the eggs from the turner, increasing the humidity and locking down the incubator for hatching.

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